The Ultimate Handstand Push-Up Guide

Do you want to learn how to do a Handstand Push-Up?

You have arrived at the right place! Our online Handstand Push-Up Guide provides you with high quality coaching, step-by-step tutorials & videos to help you learn how to do a handstand push-up (HSPU). For those who have already mastered this standard exercise and crave an extra challenge, go check out the Advanced Training section of the guide to discover more HSPU variations and exercise routines.

Bring a friend and learn how to do a  Handstand Push-Up together. Use the hashtag #handstandpushupcom to be featured on our Instagram page and TikTok page.

Handstand Push-Up Muscles

The main muscles used during a handstand push-up are the deltoids (Shoulders), pectoralis major (Chest), latissimus dorsi (Back), trapezius (Back), triceps brachii (Arms), and core stabilizer muscles (Abs, Obliques, Lower Back).

How Do Handstand Push-Ups Build Muscle?

Handstand push-ups are an effective exercise at helping you build more muscle in the upper body. In order to produce muscle growth, you have to apply a load of stress greater than what your body or muscles had previously adapted to. When you workout and apply this load of stress to the muscles, you actually create little tears in your muscle fibers. After finishing your workout, your body then works to repair/replace these damaged muscle fibers through a cellular process where it fuses muscle fibers together to form new muscle protein strands (muscle growth). 

When you perform a standard push-up, ~70% of your body’s weight must be moved, but when you perform a handstand push-up, 100% of your body’s weight must be moved. Performing a handstand push-up also causes an increase in the activation of other muscles controlling balance. The exercise intensity (the stress load placed on the muscles) is that much greater during a handstand push-up than a standard push-up, and as a result, creates more of these micro-tears. The repair of these micro-tears then leads to muscle growth. 

How Do Handstand Push-Ups Build Muscle?

The ability to do a Handstand Push-Up (HSPU) demonstrates a person’s level of balance, strength, and control. Being able to control your own body during exercise as well as in life outside the gym is why this skill has become so popular. However, handstand push-ups are extremely difficult to perform when first starting out. Training for them can be frustrating at times if you don’t have a good plan to follow or help along the way.

But don’t worry. We have you covered! The Ultimate Handstand Push-Up Guide is broken up into 3 different sections:


Each section will display exercise tutorials and videos geared toward  helping increase your balance, flexibility, strength and technique to a level at which you are able to lower and raise your own body weight when upside down. Improving these essential areas will also help to reduce the risk for injury.

We designed this guide to help everyone from a handstand push-up beginner, fitness enthusiasts, and even elite athletes looking to improve their skills. We’ll show you what equipment you need, if any, and how to get started. From dumbbells, to yoga blocks, balance trainers and more, we’ll show you how to incorporate each to help you master the handstand push-up or to give yourself an extra handstand push-up challenge.

Whether you’re starting out alone or want to bring a friend along for the journey, we’ll help you to achieve your goals.

Here you will learn exercises geared toward increasing your upper body strength. If you are not strong enough, don’t attempt a handstand push-up or else you put yourself at risk for injury.

Now that you are strong enough, we teach you how to do a handstand, show you exercises that will help increase your comfort level when you are upside down, and ending with how to do a handstand push-up.

You will learn how to do a Freestanding Handstand Push-Up as well as other advanced HSPU variations in this section. These exercises are only intended for those with an advanced level of physical fitness and exercise experience.  These handstand push-ups will test your focus, flexibility, balance, and overall level of strength.